Good Habits to Prevent Herniated Discs

There are many reasons why people experience back pain – it might be from an injury or simply from improperly lifting something heavy. Back pain can also happen as a result of underlying conditions such as problems in the spinal discs. According to Dr. Sam Aljamal of Back to My Health in Richardson, TX, pain from herniated discs is fairly common but responds well to conservative treatments.  

Good Habits to Prevent Herniated Discs

The spine contains small bones known as vertebrae. Between most is a small disc made of a gel-like nucleus, which cushions and acts like a spinal shock absorber, and an outer protective layer (called the annulus fibrosus). 

A herniated disc happens when the nucleus juts out of a tear in the annulus fibrosus. When it bulges out, the result can compress a nearby nerve, causing symptoms that range from pain to numbness to tingling. A herniated disc can occur from wear and tear, but there are ways to proactively reduce one’s risk of developing a herniated disc.

Practice Good Posture

Whether sitting or standing, poor posture can contribute to back pain. Avoid slouching, and when sitting, bend your knees at a right angle while maintaining your feet flat on the floor. When standing, keep your shoulders aligned over your hips. For those working from home, ergonomic changes can help prevent back pain –

  • Use a chair with lumbar support.

  • Adjust your computer monitor so it’s directly in front of you at eye level.

Make Exercise a Routine

Exercise is a good way to prevent back pain. The stronger your core muscles, the better your back is supported. Choose exercises such as swimming that don’t stress your back.

Lift Safely

Always practice safe lifting techniques, whether lifting a bag of groceries or a heavy box.

  • Avoid bending while lifting, and consider using a dolly for heavy or awkwardly shaped items.

  • Avoid holding items away from your body.

  • Squat and use your legs when lifting.

Rethink How You Sleep

Healthy sleeping habits are good for your back, as well as all joints. Sleeping on your front can put too much strain on your spine; instead, consider -

  • Use a firm mattress and replace it as needed. 

  • Sleeping on your back or side.

  • To keep the spine in a neutral position –

    • For back sleepers - place a pillow under the knees.

    • For side sleepers - place a pillow between your legs.

Contact a Leading Richardson, TX, Chiropractor Near You Today

Sometimes, despite best efforts, discs still become herniated. For more information on available herniated disc treatments, contact Dr. Aljamal or a staff member at Back to My Health using our convenient online form.

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